Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces
Helping You Put The Pieces Together

Communication and Selling

Living is selling. Look back at your childhood remembering all the “sales calls” you made. You worked up your sales pitch on getting your parents to take you somewhere, raise your allowance, extend your curfew, buy you that new bike. Your childhood sales career prepared you for adulthood, when you tried to sell an employer on hiring you for your first job, getting a college to admit you, or the car dealer to drop the sticker price. You sell your friends on going to your favorite restaurant. A husband and wife sell constantly – each promoting where to go for dinner, who takes the dog to the vet, what movie should we go to? 

The question is not, are you a salesperson? The question is how might you become more effective and work those miracles?

That's NOT What I Meant

We seem to have all sorts of problems when someone doesn't understand what we said. There is no lack of places (work/home) where this occurs. The amount of books on communication is in the millions. Seems like the problem of being understood is almost like talking to someone from another country and they don't understand your words. It is one of the top two causes of divorce. Communication is best defined as:
A two way process of reaching mutual understanding in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning.
Mutual understanding and share meaning. Easy to say but sometimes hard to do.