Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces
Helping You Put The Pieces Together

The 3 "U"s (YOU) of Communication

Talking is not communicating.  There must be a speaker, a listener, and an understanding between them. So often I hear, "They just don't understand!" While understanding is the key, we are all different and unique.  You must:
Understand Yourself
Understand Others
Understand the Unique Differences
Our personalities are probably different from each other. I may prefer to communicate by talking, you may prefer to communicate in writing. I may be imaginative, you may be factual. I may speak in overviews, you may need details. I might ask for a decision now, you may need time to mentally process. Once I understand my personality type and understand your personality type, I can then communicate to you in a way that you can understand my meaning. Differences are not wrong....they are just different. It's understanding the differences that will make you and me become better at communicating.